Saturday, August 16, 2014

Shaolin Temple and Our Flight to Guangzhou

So I really haven't been doing a great job of keeping up with the blog....and in all seriousness, there wasn't too much change in his personality or how he was doing up until today!  There were little...or maybe tiny changes, but what can you expect from a little boy who was taken from everything he's known and given to two strange looking white people, which I'm sure he had never seen before! However, last night was the first night that he started to really play and explore our room a bit!  I think he must have played for 2-1/2 hours straight while we packed and got ourselves ready for our trip to Guangzhou!  Bedtime is getting better as well, he will only cry for a minute or two and tonight, he just sort of whimpered.  I would cuddle him if I could, but he wants nothing to do with being held before bed. 
Tonight we had quite the experience at dinner.  In fact we were shocked and surpised to see that our little guy has quite the throwing arm!  We are coming to find out that his little personality is growing into a rather big personality! I think Jake may have met his match when it comes to busyness and being into everything....and I am quickly learning how full my hands will be once we get home!!!  Anyways, back to dinner....we got him settled into his highchair, and gave him some of his favorite snacks in a bowl as we waited for our dinner to be brought to us (he is not a boy that wants to just sit in his highchair with nothing to do).  He ate one and before we knew it he was throwing one after the other across the table at sort of reminded us of the movie "Elf", when Elf was throwing snowballs at the kids! They were fast balls to say the least and if a major league scout were to have seen that, he may have been signing a contract!!!  However, we needed to figure out a way of gently telling him that it isn't ok to throw his food.  That is next to impossible since Morris and I can't speak a lick of Chinese! 
We are so thankful that the Lord is softening his heart towards us and that he feels safe enough to start showing us some of his personality!  He did give Mo a kiss the other day, yet still refuses to let Mo hold him...please continue to pray for his little heart and also for wisdom on how to handle situations such as the food throwing.  It is a fine line and we need his wisdom to help us navigate through this process!
Below are some pictures from our last tour in Zhengzhou at the Shaolin Temple and also our flight from today down to Guangzhou.  Hope ya'll are doing well, and thank you so much for your prayers and support!
 Entrance to the Shaolin Temple....built in 495AD.  The Buddhist monks live here and they also used to teach kung fu.  There were lots of boarding schools on the way up there that were the kids would learn kung fu.
 Jett and his new friend Kai sharing some snacks!  I need to get a better picture of Kai, he is so darn cute and has the cutest dimples and voice!  He is the only other boy in our group.
 Learning that it's ok to smile and laugh!
 The mountains over here are absolutely might actually think this picture was taken in Washington!
 Jett's first plane ride! (Eva, thanks again for letting me borrow the has come in very handy, and he likes it!)
Another family selfie...-4 of the kiddos!
 He polished this bag off on the way to the hotel...thank goodness we found more of his favorite snacks!  What will we do when we get back to the states! (Sue Henry...They are basically like chips with ketchup on them....I think you two will get along great!)
Happy Boy!
One more week and we'll be coming home!  We will hopefully know more details in the next couple of days regarding our flight and what time we will arrive on the 22nd....we would love to see you at the airport if you can make it!  Stay tuned for more details!

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